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Colour plates

1. A modern administrative building. 1971-1973.

2. A modern administrative building. 1952.

3. The Political Education House.

4. The House of the Officers of the Black Sea Fleet.

5. The Room of the Political Education in the House of the Officers of the Black Sea Fleet.

6. The Sailors' Club.

7. The Fishermen's House of Culture.

8. The A. V. Lunacharsky Drama Theatre.

9. A view of the city from Cape Khrustalny (Crystal).

10. The Instrument-making Institute. The building in Gogol Street.

11. The V. I. Lenin Library.

12. The Marine Library.

13. The Young Pioneers' Palace. The main facade.

14. The Young Pioneers' Palace. A fragment of the sea front facade.

15. The stairway in Marat Street.

16-17. The " Krym " and "Ukraina" Hotels.

18. The " Sevastopol " Hotel.

19. An administrative building on Revolution Square.

20. The building of the Sevastopol State Bank Department.

21. The " Pobeda " (Victory) Cinema.

22-23. The "Ukraina" Cinema. The main facade. The rotunda of the eastern facade.

24. The "House with the Globes" in Bolshaya Morskaya (Great Marine) Street.

25. The building of a secondary school in Lazarevskaya Street.

26. The entrance to the Primorsky (Seaside) Boulevard.

27. Byelokamensk. The Club of the Building Materials Works.

28-29. Balaklava. Public buildings.

30. Catherine IPs milestone. The city'c first monument. 1786.

31. The Tower of Winds.

32. Tauric Chersonesus. The reserve site.

33. The Vladimirsky (St. Vladimir) Cathedral at Chersonesus.

34. The Chersonesus Historical-Archaeological Reserve. The Middle Ages Hall.

35-36. Calamita (Inkerman). The gate of the fortress. A tower.

37. Cembalo (Balaklava). The dungeon tower.

38. The Tower of Chorgun.

39. The Grafskaya (Count's) Wharf.

40. A bridge in the Primorsky Boulevard.

41-42. The building of the Art Museum. The facade, A fragment of the fagade.

43-44. The building of the Defence of Sevastopol in 1854-1855 Panorama. A general view. A fragment of the facade.

45-46. The building of the Museum of the Red Banner Black Sea Fleet. The facade. A fragment of the facade.

47. The Vladimirsky Cathedral on the Central Hill.

48. The Cathedral's portal.

49. The Mikhailovkaya (St. Michael) Church. The portal.

50. The Head Post Office.

51. The Temple of St. Nicholas at the Common Cemetery.

52-53. The Pokrovsky (Inercession) Cathedral.

54-55. " The House of Volokhov " in Pavlichenko Street. The facade. The portal.

56. A building in Alexakis Street (now the No 3 Secondary School).

57. " The House of Richter " in Suvorov Street.

58. The Department Store in Mayakovsky Street.

59. The Monument to V. I. Lenin.

60. The Monuments to the Participants of the Sevastopol Uprising in 1905.

61. The Monument on the grave of P. P. Schmidt and other leaders of the rebellious squadron.

62. The Monument to the 49 Communards.

63. The Monument to the Scuttled Ships.

64.-65. The Monument to Admiral P. S. Nakhimov,

66. The Monument to A. I. Kazarsky.

67. The Monument to Seaman P. M. Koshka.

68. The Monument to General E. I. Totleben.

69. The entrance to Malakhov Hill.

70. A tower of Kornilov's Bastion.

71. The Monument commemorating the Fourth Bastion.

72. The Monument commemorating the Yazonovsky Redoubt.

73-74. The Common Cemetery. The gatetowers. The chapel on the grave of General M. D. Gorchakov.

75-76. The Common Cemetery. The Monument on the grave of General E. I. Totleben. Houses for the personnel.

77-78. The Common Cemetery. The " Mothercountry to her Sons " Memorial.

79. The Manorial of the Heroic Defence of Sevastopol in 1941- 1942.

80. The Memorial Emblem in honour of the heroes of a squadron of the Black Sea Fleet.

81. The Monument to the Airmen of the 8th Aviation Army.

82. The Monument to the Komsomol Heroes.

83. To the defenders and liberators of Balaklava.

84. The obelisk in honour of the Hero-City on Cape Khrustalny,

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