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Graphic pictures

1. The perspective of the building up of the Ships' Quarter. 1830s. A project.

2. Sevastopol before the First Defence.

3. Sevastopol in 1856.

4. The ruins of the Theatre on the Theatre Square (now Ushakov Squa- re).

5. A panorama of the Ships' Quarter from Malakhov Hill. 1905.

6. Sevastopol in 1944.

7. The Mine Tower and Nikolsky (St. Nicholas) Cathedral. The second half of the 19th c.

8. The ruins of the Roman Catholic Church. Now the "Druzhba" (Friendship) Cinema on Ushakov Square. 1955.

9. The Palace of the Commander-in-Chief of the Black Sea Fleet and ports. 1905.

10. The Marine Library and the Tower of Winds. 1850s.

11. Anenkov's House and the Mancet. Early 20th c.

12. Sevastopol in the future. The perspective of the city from the Severnaya Storona (Northern Quarter).

13. The cromlech field. The burial ground of the second millenium В. C. near the settlement of Shturmovoye.

14. The stone case of the 6-5th cc. B. C. near the village of Peredo- voye.

15. A quarter of the socalled Strabo's Chersonesus. A reconstruction.

16. Chersonesus. The temple complex of the 6th c. in the north-eastern part of the city. A reconstruction.

17. The Temple of St. Vladimir in Chersonesus. Early 20th c.

18. The ruins of the Calamita Fortress (Inkerman). Late 18th c.

19. The St. Clement Monastery at Inkerman. The end of the 19th C.

20. The ruins of the Cembalo Fortress. Late 18th c.

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